Thursday, December 27, 2012

Healing the Heart Part 1

Excerpt from an article posted at

With this new dawning energy on our planet, we are being moved from a third dimensional planet to a fourth/fifth dimensional planet. Our ego mind is totally third dimensionally based and our hearts connect us fully into our fourth/fifth dimensional experience and alignment to Self.

It’s important to build a new relationship with your heart. Your ego mind has been your guide, controlling your every action. The ego mind is incredibly limited; it is programmed to keep you in survival mode, meaning your motivation is through fear, lack, and struggle—totally connected to the illusion of third dimensional reality. 

As our third dimensional world is slowly being replaced by a fourth/fifth dimensional energy it is possible for you to begin a new relationship with your heart through conscious choice. Your heart holds a unique divine frequency, as you develop this new relationship with your heart; this frequency of your Self can begin to transmit out into the Universe. 

Through your heart, you will begin to align to the guidance of your Self. Your heart connection opens you into your natural flow, which connects you to the Universal Consciousness. You begin to anchor your place there.  You can trust your heart, because it’s directly connected to the Self.  As you connect to your heart, you begin to re-align to your Self. The action of bringing your conscious awareness to your heart through conscious choice is taking back your power. Consciously choosing to awaken in that moment!

Aligning to the heart in the moment allows you to access another dimensional aspect of yourself. You are taken out of the third dimensional drama and into a forth/fifth dimensional perspective of the situation. You witness the drama without being a part of the drama, and become more alive and more connected to the truth.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pleidian Broadcast 2012

Christine and Alisa
We started the year with a group of four broadcasts close together. You worked with these broadcasts, which were specifically designed to assist you energetically in opening up and building a base for you to be able to align to the new energies coming onto the planet. 

In the final two Broadcasts of the year, we shared the final preparations for you to be able to fully receive and utilize the ‘Illumination Waves’ coming on to the planet on 12-12-12. 

Remember – there are many levels of these teachings and tools from the Pleiadians and Lumerians to work with within each of these broadcasts. 

You can continue to utilize this material leading up to and then well after 12/12/12 to assist you to fully align with the Illumination Waves. Send all comments and queries to our attention at: 

You can access it in our Pleiadian Broadcast archives

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Loving Message from the Pleiadians

Beloved Ones, 

We greet you at this most important time. 

We hold many dimensional anchors for your planet at this time, as it is essential to support each one of you at this transitional time. Those of you who are awake will consciously open into the dynamic flow of these Illumination Waves, and we support your transition by creating a series of portals for each one of you to re-align with Self. 

You have your journey in front of you, and all is in hand. It is essential to let go of all expectations and just BE as you allow your self to be moved and re-anchored into a new dimensional reality. 

We honor this next step and all that you are in this moment. 

The Pleiadians 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pleiadian Message from 11-5-12

Beloved ones we greet you,

We call your energies forward to be with us at this pivotal time on your earth plane. We call your hearts forward to play your part now in this highly transformative time.

We call you forward to be present in this moment of time with Self, being willing to take a step forward on your path with consciousness and courage Just be still so you can receive the information that will assist you at this time in your next step.

Be still and know that within this stillness so much can be revealed to you. Let go and be still. Let us support you within the stillness of your heart. Take a moment just to be. Take a step out of your time and join with us in love and blessing.

The Pleiadians

To listen to the show in its entirety follow the link below:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Illumination Waves arriving on 12/12/12

The Pleiadians are saying there will be a series of Illumination Waves coming onto the planet on 12/12/12. They are asking you to open up to new alliances with pre-agreements that you have made before you came into this earth plane. To open up and create new energetic alliances on 12/12/12 for yourself in order for you to be able to fully take in the energies of the Illumination Waves that will be coming onto the planet in that 24 hour period.

Be aware that the waves will be at the strongest at one minute past midnight until six a.m. on the 12th of December. And then begin to expand again from 12 noon until 3 p.m. on that day.

Now there are a series of pre-agreements that each on of you have made here to have energetic support from that time on, from 12/12/12 onwards in your life. Whether you remember it or not is irrelevant. Because of the time now, you alone can activate these pre-agreements and they must come from you and not from the other side

You need to give your permission and activate your pre-agreements by opening up to whatever energies are there for you. You don’t need to know which ones. You need to just give your permission and open up to activate the pre-agreements that you have put in place for these energetic alliances now and that would be on the day before 12/12/12

It is irrelevant that your ego mind may not understand or know which energetic alliances you are calling forward. You only need to understand that these pre-agreements are something that you have made for yourself to support you now.

So do not let your ego mind say: ‘Well, I’m not sure who I’m calling forward so I am not going to activate any of my pre-agreements’ You don’t want to go there.

The energies must come from you forward. The same goes on 12/12/12. You need to open up consciously, through conscious choice to call in the Illumination Waves. The energies that will come through those Illumination Waves will align you and birth you into a new aspect of yourself

The Illumination Waves are designed to activate another level of the crystalline structure in the cells of you body. This crystalline structure once activated will be able to then house another level of your own divine light in this physical body. It will transform your body electrically so you will be able to take in and hold a lot more of your own divine light in your cells.

This is a revolutionary time for us as human beings and at the moment a lot of our divine light is housed outside of our physical form because we cannot carry that light, with that energy within the system we have in place right now.

With the activation of the crystalline structure you are going to be able to take in and house much more of your own divine light on 12/12/12. The Illumination Waves are designed to bring you into yourself and redesign your system

Another aspect of the crystalline structure activated is that you telepathic communion center will be opened or more accurately reopened. And the energy of that day holds a sacred energy of communion with the energies, with the Universe. It opens up that sacred communion possibility for each one of us. To come into new understandings, new knowledge – there is nothing new – but receiving the knowledge and ancient teachings that are a part of truth and integrity

Your cells align to a new level of truth and integrity that you align to on that day so that you continue your path forward from that time in a new way. Understanding that the whole planet will go through an energetic transformation on that day.

You might say ‘why all of a sudden?’ It’s not all of a sudden! Things have been put in place for some time now for this happening to occur.

The crop circles will be moving into a new birthing of themselves, coming into their fullness for the first time since being on this planet. And they will be working in alignment with all the megaliths sites, the sacred sites on the planet. There will be a sacred webbing between the megaliths sites and the crop circles that will cover the planet, that will create a series of ley lines.

We need to become part of that sacred webbing on that day. There is an opening of portals on that day and each one of you have an ability to become part of that sacred webbing, to return back to the sacred webbing.And this sacred webbing that is going to birth around the earth plane is part of the really strong transformation of our planet, of consciousness.

Those who choose to align to that sacred webbing on that day will have an automatic connection of telepathic communion with each other. You don’t need to understand so much as be willing to be a part of what you have said ‘yes’ to already.

It’s really about showing up for your appointment and taking your place within what the Pleiadians are calling ‘the grand plan.’ By opening up your pre-agreement alliances the day before, those energies will support you and show you the way and assist you in that process the next day.

You move back to taking your place with the energetic alliances that you have said ‘yes’ to, that you can work with and you need to work with from that time onwards.

We have 12/21/12 as well, which is about 9 days later where another level of energy is going to come onto the planet for those who have worked on 12/12/12 with the Illumination Waves. This day is another strong time to open and to receive and to allow another level of your crystalline structure to be activated

You will go through another level of transformation of an electrical energy activating through the body, being able to receive another level of your divine light and have it housed in the cells of your body. On that day the portals will open again and the sacred webbing around the earth will open up and you will rejoin the sacred webbing on another level.

On 12/12/12 understand that coming together in groups will be very supportive to do. There is an important need for those of us to come together that are awake to anchor and expand who we are at this time. That is important to come together in groups of like-minded people, those who are awake. All people from all paths, there is no separation.

People who are not on the path, after this date will there be a separation from them?

No, absolutely not. The fact is that we have all pre-agreed to awake early, to hold open a pathway for others to follow. If anything we will be more connected. We may not be connected to those who are abusive, controlling, connected to violence, for example. However regular people who have good hearts but are not awake, we will continue to be connecting with them.

I live in an apartment? Can I set this all up to do alone for 12/12/12/?

Yes, of course.

Will working with the letting go energy be supportive on that day?

Yes, remember it is through the letting go energy that you move into your realignments. The letting go energy allows you to leave the 3rd dimensional energy that you are holding, allowing that to drop away in a moment and in that moment realignment can occur. In that one moment when you choose to let go of everything from this earth plane it becomes a very powerful and empowering moment of realignment. It only takes one moment of time for the all the cells to move into a new level of alignment and remembering. 

The letting go energy holds an alignment energy that will assist you with the Illumination Waves on 12/12/12, that’s true. And you also want to be opening to a receiving energy. It’s very important to allow yourself to consciously open to receive the Illumination Waves.

It would support you to do a vortex of 3 candles with a crystal in the center, which will attract and support the Illumination Waves coming in so the Illumination Waves have an avenue to come through, an energetic structure. Or anything else you feel called to do in setting up a pattern of crystals would be supportive.

I would do all of this the day before. To sit and open to your energetic alliances and feel out what you need to do to create for yourself to receive those illumination waves and allow the energetic alliances to support you and show you what is best for you.

Build something for yourself either as a group or an individual but have it done the day before and feel out the energy and make the adjustments. The more committed you are the more those illumination waves will work with you. It’s part of your consciously choosing to receive.

If you have a group of people you might want to set a circle around that vortex as part of the format, part of the ritual or structure. You have some time to think about it and feel out what will work and what feels good.

You may want to have cushions spread out on the floor as an option to lie down because the energies will be strong and you may need to integrate and receive them and then maybe go out to the sky, to the galactic energy and lie on the earth and open to the energies of the stars during that time in the night. Be creative. Feel what is right for you inside. The natural forces are committed to working with you as well. They have a strong energy to support you in the integration of the Illumination Waves on the planet.

Would it be supportive to go to a sacred place?

The Pleiadians are saying that every place on the earth plane will be sacred on that day. The earth becomes a sacred place.

So be it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Pleiadians Share About Conscious Participation

The Pleiadians desire to give us all the help we are willing to accept, and they also say we must take an active role working with the Spiritual realms on a daily basis through conscious participation:
-   Commit to spend time each day to communicate your detailed needs for the day with the Spiritual realms. It is best to do this in the mornings so you are moving through your day together with the same goals.
-   Be specific with your needs, or in the areas you are asking for support.
-   Be willing to receive the support that is given, especially when the ‘support’ presents itself differently than your ego mind expected.
-   Consciously open to receive, through your Sacred Heart, the messages and signs that are sent to you from the Spiritual realms.
-   Trust your intuition. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Pleiadians on "Permission"

The Pleiadians say that we should each take responsibility for the assistance provided by the Spiritual Realms by:

*Recognizing yourself as a ‘free will’ being on this planet.

*Acknowledging that you have the right to be assisted, or not to be assisted, by the Spiritual Realms at any given moment.

*Knowing you have a right to change your mind at any time.

*Consciously participating by giving your permission to be supported by the Spiritual Realms,  Pleiadians, Angels, Light Beings, and Masters.

The choice is always yours . . .

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Pleiadians talk about Fear


The Pleiadians encourage us to remember that fear is one of the greatest illusions within our 3rd dimensional planet.

The Pleiadians want to support you in taking action and moving forward on your path even when fear may be walking beside you on the way. Their recommendations are below:

 *Notice when ‘fear’ is present when you are facing a decision or must take action.

 *Acknowledge that fear is just a feeling. It cannot hurt you.

 *Know that whether you take the step or not, your fear will still be there.

 *Use the fear as an indicator an indicator of the importance of the action; the bigger the fear the more  significant the step that you are taking is.

 *Reprogram your response to fear by changing your internal reaction from seeing fear as a red light that tells you to “stop” your movement, to seeing fear as being a green light, and a signal for you to “go” forward.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Pleiadians on Aligning with Your Sacred Heart Space

According to the Pleiadians Your Sacred heart space is your whole chest area.  To align with your Sacred Heart you must simply practice letting go and allowing the birthing process to bring you into the Sacred Heart space. 

Aligning with your Sacred Heart space:

Place both hands flat on your chest. Feel the warmth and pressure of your hands on your chest and bring your conscious awareness there. 

Take a conscious breath and let it go into the space you are holding your hands to. Through your conscious breath you can allow yourself to feel the opening up of your Sacred Heart space. Continue to let go and use your conscious breath to assist you in entering deeper and deeper into this space.

Work with this process daily, gradually expanding and building into the opening of your Sacred Heart space.  Each time you do this you are consciously aligning to your Sacred Heart connection, which is 4th/5th/6th dimensional, and moving away from your 3rd dimensional ego mind.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

How to use Conscious Breath

The Pleiadians have shared information about how to use your breath consciously to support you in your daily life and to help you open up to receive from the Universe.

How to use Conscious Breath:

*Conscious Breathing is done in and out through the mouth. You take a breath in through your opened mouth and then allow it to flow out through your mouth without trying to control it. Just allow the breath to 'drop away.'

*It's okay to make sounds as you are letting go of the breath, such as, "aaaaaahh," or sighing sounds.

* The Conscious Breath says, “Yes, I am willing to let go. Yes, I am willing to receive my light.”

*Practicing Conscious Breath allows you to begin to consciously birth your self, breath by breath. Use Conscious Breath once an hour during the course of your day.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pleiadian Tools and Steps for Daily Living

“Pleiadian Tools and Steps for Daily Living”  is a booklet I wanted to make available to you, free of charge. It contains a series of tools and steps for living that would support you in your unfolding process of living day to day at this time. The Pleiadians bring us a number of Steps, and Tools to go with each step, to assist you in moving forward on your unique path. 

It is given with love and appreciation for all that you are in this moment. 
Much love and blessings, 

Christine and the Pleiadians

An excerpt from Pleiadian Tools and Steps for Daily Living:

As we move deeper into the transition that is taking place on planet Earth, the Pleiadians say that the time has now come for us to start mastering the energetic tools that will enable us to consciously complete our awakening and self-healing process in preparation for 12-12-12 and beyond.

The new frequencies of light and sound that are now bathing the planet are awakening us to the remembrance of and reconnection with our true Selves. One of the key messages from the Pleiadians is that we must accept our humanness, and open to honoring ourselves for being here on this earth plane at this time. To come to an understanding that as human beings we are ‘perfectly imperfect’ and we have come here to make mistakes in order to learn.

In this ‘new dawning’ time we are meant to build a new relationship with our human aspect, holding ourselves with love and compassion for all our experiences and for having the courage to be here on this earth plane at this time.

By accepting our human aspects we can then take another step towards our connection with our Higher Nature. Embracing our humanness creates a more conscious connection to the support of the universal energies. This will allow us to more easily navigate our way through this important transition taking place, from a 3rd dimensional to a 4th 5th dimensional existence.

The Pleiadians offer these tools to guide you through this transition with ease and grace, to bring you to a new level of love and understanding of Self, and to accelerate your self-birthing into these new energies. The more you have an understanding and clarity of this time, the more you can step forward consciously into your enlightenment process.

The “Pleiadian Tools and Steps for Daily Living” Booklet is available to download, for FREE, by following the link below:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pleiadian Message from September 17th Show

Beloved ones,

We greet you and want you to know we hold the energies open for you to move your self into a state of awareness of your freedom—the freedom to create from a place inside your self. You have the freedom to BE and to set your self on another pathway forward, towards your unlimited aspects of Self. 

Some of you feel confused about what is before you, but it is not that complicated. It is a simple process of reaching into your heart and feeling with your heart what it is that you desire. Hold the desire close to your heart and just simply breathe into it. Hold the thought of it within your heart and let the images grow inside of you. Just tend these thoughts as you would a garden, watering the garden, pulling out the weeds, and bringing more love to the garden. You need to be your own gardener, creating the beauty of your thoughts and tending to your inner desire.

Call for the support so that we can support you in your creation.

Together we can open the sun to come into your creation allowing a birthing and blooming to bring full color into your creation. We are here to witness all that you are.

In love and blessings,

The Pleiadians. 

To listen to the show in its entirety follow the link below:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pleiadian 3-Day Seminar in Minneapolis MN, Oct 12-14

There are still a few spaces left if you wish to attend the Pleiadian 3-Day Seminar, October 12-14th in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Hello everyone,

I'm writing to let you know that there is still a bit of space left for the October 3-Day Pleiadian seminar in Minneapolis that will prepare attendees for the 12-12-12.  The dates are October 12-14th.

In this seminar we have a first time unique energetic alliance of the Pleiadians and Lemurian energies. This is going to have a powerful impact within the seminar bringing a wonderful and powerful dynamic energy forward to assist you in building your crystalline structure within you.

This crystalline structure that is activated will open up a communication channel within each one of you, it will create new structures to birth your sacred heart into a natural receiving station, and the activation of your crystalline structure will re-open up your telepathic center within your brain for telepathic communication and telepathic communion.

We will be working with developing your ability of telepathic communication over the three days. This is so important at this time, it allows you to develop new relationships with communication with the natural forces as well as being able to deepen and expand communication with the angles, light beings, masters, and all energies in the Universal consciousness. They all work through telepathic communication. It allows you to take another step into your place.
We will also be working for the first time on the dimensional openings within the crystalline structure within your spine, these hold sacred unions for you. The Lemurian and Pleiadain energies will be present to assist you in this powerful awakening experience.

We will be utilizing the powerful force of the magical crystal vortex which will support you in your integration of this transforming electrical energy that will birth through your cells during the activations. You will be moved into a place where you will be able to hold more of your divine light within your cells of your body because of the new awakened electrical energy that has been birthed from the activation of your crystalline structure.

Another important focus of this event is to work within the sacred Matrix blueprints from the crop circles, bringing you to a re- awakened energy within your self. We will be working directly with the crop circles through this sacred matrix, receiving awakening codes that will birth new aspects of Self.

This is made possible because of the activation of your crystalline structure within you, it allows you to begin to take your place within the collective, and open to the sacred knowledge that the crop circles bring to us now.

This is just some of the amazing work that we will be doing together during this seminar.

All these awakening steps will be giving us many energetic tools in preparation for the 12/12/12 time, so that you can fully utilize the illumination waves that will be coming onto the planet for your transformation. The seminar is designed to prepare you to be able to fully utilize this very powerful time on 12/12.

I am so excited about this up coming seminar designed to bring tools and awakening to you assisting you in being able to fully utilize these illumination waves that will be anchoring on our planet on 12/12/12.

I look forward to working with all of you that feel called to be there and I have posted the event information below.

Much love and blessings,

Event Information

Location:  2300 East American Boulevard, Bloomington, MN 55245-1228
Venue:  Ramada Mall of America Hotel, MN
Contact: Melainah Yee at or call 808-345-0484

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Message from the Pleiadians on 9-3-2012

Beloved ones,

We greet you. There are many new alignments being set up on your earth plane, right now, to support you in a powerful transition that is to take place within the next 4 months. It will begin within the next week and gradually build in strength as you move to the 12/12/12 dimensional settings.

It is important that you do your work now very consciously, to prepare. This includes working with your relationship to yourself—breaking down the separations within yourself. It takes courage to meet yourself and investigate what issues you have within that keep you from moments of self love.

As the energies increase the 3rd dimensional dramas will intensify. You want to move into a place of witnessing the drama and not being a part of the drama around you. This is achieved by beginning to end your internal separation within yourself. It is the time to end the shame, guilt, and self-condemnation. This is done a moment at a time. Not perfectly. However in each moment that you hold yourself with love, you break a powerful cycle that has been built up for lifetimes.

It is the time for your liberation. Begin today.


The Pleiadians

To listen to the show in it's entirety follow the link below:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

12-12-12: An Interview with Pleiadian Ambassador Christine Day

Native Australian Christine Day, a spiritual teacher, healer and author, has channeled information from extraterrestrials known as Pleiadians for the past 20 years, seeking to assist and awaken humanity during this acknowledged time of great transformation on planet Earth. Through a channeled healing modality, Frequencies of Brilliance, and book, Pleiadian Initiations of Light, she has offered people tools to awaken consciously to their true nature.

Christine Day
And the process continues. In an interview with The Edge, Christine spoke with us from her home office in Minneapolis about her upcoming three-day Pleiadian seminar, which returns to the Cities on October 12-14. She shared with us the meaning of sacred megaliths like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid. She connected those megaliths with information about the true purpose of crop circles. And last but not least, Christine shared information about the further evolution of consciousness within the human body and the resulting energetic shifts that are now underway.

The Pleiadian Seminar with Christine Day will take place at the Ramada Mall of America Hotel in Bloomington, Minnesota. For more information or to register, contact Serena Poisson at 619.429.4712 or email

You visited Brazil with your message last fall. Describe that experience and how the message was received.

Christine Day: Well, it was received very well. I spend six months a year in Brazil, and the people of Brazil are very open to the message and very responsive to hearing the truth. It’s almost like their hearts are open and they really recognize truth when they hear it and are able to really take it in and receive it in a very positive way. So, they’re very open to moving with the times and willing to flow with those times in such a way. It’s very important.

Do the Brazilians have a lot of history with extraterrestrials or channeled or metaphysical information, or is it all new to them and they’re accepting it?

CD: No, it’s not new to them. The space ships, or Pleiadian ships, are very active in Brazil. There is a great awareness of the presence of the Pleiadians. They are aware that the Pleiadians brought the shamanic teachings to the native people in Brazil. The people of Brazil, the shamans, are appreciative of what they have received in the way of the sacred teachings, from the Pleiadians.

They are very, very open to this message, and they are very comfortable with me, as far as trusting the essence and the energy that I bring. They are very responsive to that. They feel that I’m authentic and they’re very willing to be guided by what comes through me and what is brought out to them, so it’s very special.

The Summer Olympics will be in Rio de Janeiro in four years, so by then Brazil should be quite a light, bright place.

CD: I think so. I’m interested to see how they do it. I go to Rio to work sometimes, and it’s such an incredible mountainous area, so dense and populated and so hot and humid! I think it’s going to be quite a challenge to the athletes who are going over, especially those with the track and field and the marathon runners. I mean, it’s really intense there.

You’ll be presenting your next seminar in Minneapolis in October. What can participants expect to experience there?

CD: There are very, very powerful and cutting-edge energies coming in for that Pleiadian seminar. For the first time, a Lemurian and Pleiadian alliance will be coming in for that seminar. For those not familiar, Lemurian energies existed at the time of Atlantis. The Atlanteans were on the land working with the crystals in a scientific way, and the Lemurians were under the ocean working with the crystals in a spiritual sense.

The Lemurians are strongly aligned to the crystalline energies that are anchoring right now on the planet. As part of the 11/11/11, a crystalline structure was anchored throughout all the human beings on this planet. This crystalline structure came in at this time because we have to transform. We have to upgrade our energies to align to the dimensional shifts that are happening on the planet right now.
The crystalline structure that is through all of us is allowing us to transform and become more electrical in energy. That will allow us to move with the changing dimensional energies. Not only that, it allows us to be able to hold and carry more of our Divine essence in our bodies. At the moment, much of our essence is outside our bodies, but in the new dawning time that’s coming, this Divine aspect of ourselves needs to come in and anchor fully in our cells for our awakening process.

So in the three-day Pleiadian seminar, the Pleiadians are going to be giving sacred codes to people to be able to begin activating this new crystalline structure. The Lemurian energies are going to be there as a pre-agreement to assist people in working with that crystalline structure and help integrating the new electrical components through the body. This crystalline structure is actually anchored in the brain, and as it’s activated, it will open up a telepathic center of the brain and bring us back to a re-activation of our abilities to telepathically communicate and commune with each other — and with the all-wise force in the universe.

Another part of the crystalline structure is the thyroid, and we are going to be activating that location. That allows us to start transmitting our own unique frequency of our Divine factor. The next area of the body that the crystalline structure went was into the heart, and we’re going to be activating the crystalline structure there. That will create a new electrical energy through the heart, and it will open us up as a receiving station. We’re going to be able to start bringing in what we need and receive a higher frequency of our own Divine Self, anchoring it through the heart space.

The crystalline structure’s final aspect is in the spine, where it was birthed in the spinal fluid. This spinal fluid has a high dimensional frequency of awakening. It carries a pure essence within it. With activation, a 5th, 6th, 7th dimensional energy is awakened, making it possible to begin the self-manifesting and self-healing process, regenerating the cells throughout the body.

So that’s part of the seminar itself. The other part involves our work with the crop circles, which are involved in the earth changes that are going on right now. The crop circles are coming into their full energy for the first time, their full purpose for being here on the Earth plane. They hold a multi-dimensional energy on the Earth plane, and their energetic purpose is to align all the megalithic sites around the Earth — Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, all of the sacred sites. They’re being aligned to the crop circles, and the crop circles are bringing these megalithic sites back to their original, pure, sacred form that they held when they first came onto the Earth plane. An energetic webbing is going out across the Earth plane, created as these lines of energy running from the crop circles to all the megalithic sites start to open up.

The full purpose of the crop circles is to hold the blueprint energies for all human beings on this Earth plane. During our seminar, we are going to be working with these sacred matrix energies or blueprints from the crop circles. I have been given communication codes to be able to work with these matrix energies. Each person is going to receive a matrix design and start to activate and open up the awakening process. By communicating with the crop circles, we can begin another level of awakening through the cells of the body.
It’s all going to take place in the crystal vortex, which we always have at the Pleiadian seminars. We’re going to be working with a lot of energies here — a total regeneration of the cells, a total opening of the electrical systems in the body, birthing that, and moving out into the energetic field.

The Pleiadians wanted this seminar in October to support everybody and give them tools to work with telepathic communication and working with their telepathic centers, and all the crystalline centers, in readiness for 12/12/12.

The Pleiadians are saying there are incredible illumination waves coming in onto the planet on 12/12/12 — like nothing that has ever come onto the planet before now. These are energetic illumination waves that are designed to awaken people into their real, true frequency of light. With the work that we’ll do during the seminar, it’s going to make it possible for those people to really utilize these energies and begin an advanced awakening process within themselves.

You mentioned the awakening of, or the enhancement of, the energy within the body with regards to the crystalline energy. Are the energy centers, the chakras, going to be upgraded to accommodate that?

CD: Absolutely! Every system in the body is going to be upgraded — even an upgrading of the organs in the body. There’s going to be a regeneration. The Pleiadians say we are going to be youthing, and living a lot longer than anyone has ever lived before as human beings here. Our whole systems will be working very differently, because this crystalline structure will enable us to communicate and live side by side energetically with the spiritual realms of the angels, with the Pleiadians, with all the extraterrestrial energies.

We will finally be able to take our place consciously with the collective consciousness, with all life force in the universe. We’re actually going to start carrying this frequency, and we will be able to play a conscious active role within the universe. That’s why this is such a turning point. As I said, 11/11/11 was a big turning point, with it becoming anchored, but we’re now activating it.

What can people, even those who don’t attend your event, expect to feel within themselves during this time period?

CD: If you’re consciously awake, not just walking around and living very third dimensionally, a lot of things will be taking place that people will experience. To start, they’re going to feel an intensification of the third-dimensional drama. The key now is that this is the time, through conscious choice, to witness the drama, but not become a part of it.

On 11/11/11, we were upgraded to a point where we can step outside the drama. We have this empowered way of being able to step aside, witness, and just feel what else is there. The drama is only getting more intense because of all of the light that is coming onto the planet. There’s more contrast between the dark and light. I don’t mean dark in the sense of evil, but third-dimensional drama, the illusions. We are seeing them shake as they try to hold their place in our reality, but the third dimension is becoming weaker. It’s like something is about to die and the drama wants to stay alive.

Survival mode.

CD: That’s what I’m talking about. So during this time, people may feel like they can’t contain or hold thought processes as well as they could before, particularly anything that is not truth. Some people like to hang onto their drama stories and have people to share them with. But people aren’t going to be so hooked into the drama as in the past, unless it has some element of truth in it.

A lot of people will just go on as usual, because they’re not going to transform for a while, but they still have the crystalline structure within them; they just won’t be activating it at this time. There’s a group of us who are conscious and awake and will be experiencing moments of joy, of connection, of a sense that our heart is opening. We may feel like we have to sit and be in a deeper connection with the natural forces.

We will feel a greater interconnection between us as human beings. Every crystalline structure within every person is unique, but one common element exists between each one: the God Consciousness. That God Consciousness is going to spark between everyone. We’re going to have a sense of a flow that hasn’t been there before. It will be very tangible for some people, and many others may not even understand it. But there will be a new peace within people that has not been there in the past.

What the Pleiadians are talking about with us is our own relationship with ourselves. We will start to turn back toward ourselves as human beings with love and compassion and appreciate the magnitude of this journey and the beauty of being human. We will be able to accept ourselves as being perfectly imperfect, that we came here to make mistakes in order to learn. We will hold ourselves with much more love and compassion — and acceptance of our humanness.

The Pleiadians say we came here in this lifetime to have a human experience and to end the separation inside ourselves — and through conscious choice, open up to our spiritual aspect. A part of our mission in this lifetime, for all of us, is to come to this place and have that experience. It will begin with many of us who have been on the spiritual path, and in a moment of time, everyone else on the planet with that crystalline structure and a willingness to end the drama and violence will have a moment of awakening in that space.

The Pleiadians tell us that we’re all taking our next step here on this planet. Now, some people who do not want to end the drama will take their next step off the planet, and those who are ready to live in this harmony will stay here and we will take our next step on the planet. There’s no such thing as death, so we’re all just taking our next steps here, in whatever direction that might be.

One trend that we’ve seen is a growing number of people who are born autistic and some who do not speak at all. Perhaps the telepathic enhancements will allow us to interact with this group of people?

CD: That’s absolutely correct. The fact is, those autistic kids who are coming in are carrying a very unique frequency of the new dawning energy, and they are anchoring this energy onto the planet. That’s part of their role. They only work through telepathy. They’ve come here really to teach many of us how to open up and transmit that telepathic energy output. They embody that, and their presence on the planet at this time allows all of us to move into our telepathic abilities and to utilize them.

I’ve been working with my crystalline structure and I’ve been activated through my telepathic center, and I’ve been utilizing this telepathic communication and communion energy. It’s very user friendly. I’m working with it very efficiently and a lot of my students are already working with it efficiently; it’s not a difficult thing. It’s just a matter of turning back to a natural aspect of what we used to be.
This crystalline structure is just exquisite, and the energy and experience of working within that telepathic center is really so pure and so beautiful. It brings an incredible peace through the cells — and the cells respond and are birthing with it because it’s part of our natural ability within our awakened state. It’s just really a very amazing experience.

Another thing seems to have come onto this planet in preparation for this awakening time: the explosion of social media in popularity, Facebook and Twitter. It just happens to connect us all together effortlessly, and it will be here when we reach that point of awakening.

CD: I can only agree with you, Tim. I think the timing has always been predestined, and to achieve our purpose, we need all sorts of support. The Pleiadians right now are calling on all human beings to start activating the pre-agreements that they made here before they came onto this Earth plane to the different energetic alliances and guides that are available. A whole lot of us right now need to consciously choose to activate these pre-agreements and start bringing in the spiritual communication and the spiritual help that is waiting; it cannot come to us without our permission.

Aside from Twitter and Facebook, there’s also a universal communication network that we need to utilize. We’re not supposed to do this alone. That’s what the Pleiadians are saying. We said yes to the support from the spiritual realms, the angels, and light beings, some Pleiadians, other alien energies, any energetic alliances that are here to support us in moving forward. Humans want to do it alone and isolate themselves a lot of the time, but this is a new dawning time of opening up and calling in and utilizing those pre-agreed supports.

Were the megalithic sites connected by an energy grid in the past that has since eroded over time or will this be the first time they have been connected with this type of energy?

CD: This is the very first time — and it was always meant that this would happen at this time to bring in this new dawning era that we are in the middle of now. This connection between the crop circles and the megalithic sites will rise to one level of its fullest state on 12/12/12 as the illumination waves arrive, because the waves will bring in a dimensional setting to this planet that we have not experienced before.

Will that megalithic upgrade and connection have any effect on the Earth changes that we are struggling with at this point?

CD: Yes, it is going to transform things, but not before it shakes  some things up initially. The Pleiadians are saying there are more Earth changes coming. The changes are going to accelerate because they need to at this time. There needs to be a redesign of our Earth energetically. Energetic lines are going to create shifts on the Earth where they need to take place. There’s a lot of blockage in the Earth right now, pockets of energy within the Earth that are holding a dense congestion that really needs to be aligned to the dimensional space and the Earth itself. The soil of the Earth needs a true regeneration, because there is this congestion of chemicals and pollution, to be honest.

Part of the regeneration process of this time is not only to regenerate ourselves and our bodies, but to regenerate the life force of the soil of the Earth itself. Everything needs to move and shift.

There will be a time of seeming chaos, and the last thing the Pleiadians want is to promote any fear because there’s been a lot of fear put out there about the Earth changes. The fact is, we don’t have to be afraid. We just need to be mindful of being where we’re supposed to be and to place ourselves there.

You hear people saying, “Oh, yeah, there’s going to be mass exodus on the planet.” There will be some people leaving the planet, but these are the people who aren’t ready for peace. They aren’t ready to move out of drama. They’re into violence and power and control, and not in a small way. These people will be leaving the planet because they don’t belong here anymore. They will take a step off the planet and have another experience, but they won’t be staying here. That’s just the way it is; that’s how it was supposed to be.

What information have you received personally that you found awe inspiring lately?

CD: I went through a profound initiation on 11/11/11. I was taken home for six hours and I have not been the same since. I find that I am unfolding at such a rate and aligning with the Divine that it’s awe inspiring, because of the beauty and the transformation that I am experiencing for myself and the transformation that I am witnessing in the people I’m working with. I am very excited about this crystalline structure, because it gives us the potential for the transformation that I have been told that we’re going to have. Now I can see how it’s possible. It allows for everything that I have been shown in the last four or five years that was coming in our transformation process. It makes it all possible, and it inspires me and delights me. I am filled with tremendous gratitude and grace with what we’re being given, and for the real tools we’re being given.
It’s happening; it’s not just words anymore. I’m really appreciative of everything I’m receiving and everything I’m becoming. It brings an incredible grace and makes everything easy. There’s an ease to it.

Tell me about the new book that you’re working on.

CD: Oh, this new book is really fantastic. I’ve been putting off doing it and my publisher has been waiting a year and a half for me to get it done and it’s all been in place to happen.

It’s a challenge for me to put together a book. I have all the information, but it all comes through in thought transference, so I have to bring the words in. The book will be called, Pleiadian Principles for Living. It’s a handbook to assist people to navigate themselves through the changing times right now. I think it’s incredibly important, because it actually helps us understand the Earth changes, where we are in this time, what’s happening on the planet, what’s happening to us physically, how the shift is taking place on our planet and how this birthing process is taking place between us and the natural forces on the planet. It speaks to our relationship changing to the universal consciousness, to the spiritual realms, and how we can now start being part of the flow through conscious choice.
Audio files attached to the book will allow people to go in and journey and activate their crystalline structure, and it gives them step-by-step processes to work with to be able to align to the natural forces and how to use the telepathic communication and the telepathic communion center. It really gives all the tools you need to continue.
With this book, people will be able to start consciously working and aligning with the natural flow and become part of the flow of these changing times. It shares how you can align and start communicating and working side by side with the spiritual realms and the other energetic alliances. It offers connections to the crop circles within the sacred matrix.

For those who haven’t read the earlier interviews we had with you, please share about the overall objective of the Pleiadian initiations of light.

CD: The initiations are designed to open up people so they are able to make direct alignments to their own light. When you are receiving the Pleiadian light initiations, they create an energetic womb with light around your energetic field, and they don’t enter your energetic field. The initiation process opens your own light channel, so you can begin to birth this light, this alignment to your self to that aspect of your light that is outside your body. The light initiations assist you in anchoring the light and aligning it through the cells of your body, awakening the energies through the cells. The Pleiadian’s light is not coming into us. It actually holds an energetic space around each participant and creates an environment for self-healing and reconnection and awakening to self — on all sorts of levels. It’s an empowering process for our ability to awaken at this time.

The Pleiadians don’t change you, but they give you tools to empower yourself.

CD: Exactly. It’s all self-empowerment. The Pleiadians are here on the Earth plane because they have a pre-agreement to be here now to help us during this time, which they call the New Dawning.
The Pleiadians liken us to a drop in the ocean. As we return to the ocean as that individual unique drop, everybody within that ocean becomes more defined within themselves, because there’s a completion element in place. It’s like when the jigsaw puzzle is finally in place. With every piece, the picture is complete. There’s a wholeness that takes place.

We don’t recognize ourselves until we join up with the group.
CD: Exactly! At one point years ago, the Pleiadians were pushing me to join that ocean of light, as that one drop. My ego mind was scared. It was like, “Gosh, I’m going to lose myself. I’m going to become nothing. Where am I going to be in that?” One day I just let go and allowed the experience, and I became even more defined within myself, more complete.

You may ask, “What’s in it for the Pleiadians in being here?” They want all of us back in our places. You know? The Pleiadians are part of the collective consciousness. They are not separate from us. We look at them as different, but we’re all part of the God consciousness, of the Oneness.

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About The Author | Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan

Tim Miejan is editor & publisher of The Edge magazine. He has served as editor of The Edge since 1996, and became co-owner and publisher in 2009. Tim lives in Madison, WI, with his wife, Rachel, their basenji, Ghandi, and their two cats, Sunti and Cleo.
Read more of the 637 articles by Tim Miejan.