Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pleiadian Tools and Steps for Daily Living

“Pleiadian Tools and Steps for Daily Living”  is a booklet I wanted to make available to you, free of charge. It contains a series of tools and steps for living that would support you in your unfolding process of living day to day at this time. The Pleiadians bring us a number of Steps, and Tools to go with each step, to assist you in moving forward on your unique path. 

It is given with love and appreciation for all that you are in this moment. 
Much love and blessings, 

Christine and the Pleiadians

An excerpt from Pleiadian Tools and Steps for Daily Living:

As we move deeper into the transition that is taking place on planet Earth, the Pleiadians say that the time has now come for us to start mastering the energetic tools that will enable us to consciously complete our awakening and self-healing process in preparation for 12-12-12 and beyond.

The new frequencies of light and sound that are now bathing the planet are awakening us to the remembrance of and reconnection with our true Selves. One of the key messages from the Pleiadians is that we must accept our humanness, and open to honoring ourselves for being here on this earth plane at this time. To come to an understanding that as human beings we are ‘perfectly imperfect’ and we have come here to make mistakes in order to learn.

In this ‘new dawning’ time we are meant to build a new relationship with our human aspect, holding ourselves with love and compassion for all our experiences and for having the courage to be here on this earth plane at this time.

By accepting our human aspects we can then take another step towards our connection with our Higher Nature. Embracing our humanness creates a more conscious connection to the support of the universal energies. This will allow us to more easily navigate our way through this important transition taking place, from a 3rd dimensional to a 4th 5th dimensional existence.

The Pleiadians offer these tools to guide you through this transition with ease and grace, to bring you to a new level of love and understanding of Self, and to accelerate your self-birthing into these new energies. The more you have an understanding and clarity of this time, the more you can step forward consciously into your enlightenment process.

The “Pleiadian Tools and Steps for Daily Living” Booklet is available to download, for FREE, by following the link below:

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