The April 7th show is the 3rd show of a series of 6 shows designed to prepare you for what the Pleiadians are calling ‘the great shift’. Supporting you in being able to navigate yourself through this time energetically as well as supporting your through a physical transformation within the cells of your body.
If you feel to, you can listen to the audio file in the
Archives of the 1st and 2nd shows of this series before you work with this 3rd
show. Each show is complete in itself energetically or you can build on each
Beloved ones we greet you,
You are the sacred moment, within the sacred moment you
receive your blessings, your wholeness of being aligns naturally within your
cell of your heart, you reopen like a flower to the sun. Blessed one, we
witness the light of your sun evolving through you as you move within the
energies of this transmission today.
The Pleiadians
In the transmission today we will be opening into new dimensional
structures of what the Pleiadians call the sacred moment, your heart responds
to the sacred moments energy. Here you will realign to aspects of your sacred
energy through your creative light within a birthing chamber and then move into
an expanded energy of the sacred moment. This is a stepping stone for you
through a conscious reconnection to this dimensional setting. Through this
setting you create a powerful turn in the wheel of your destiny.
Call in support, give permission, remember the conscious breath.
To listen to the entire episode on The Awakening Zone click the link below:
Call in support, give permission, remember the conscious breath.
To listen to the entire episode on The Awakening Zone click the link below:
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