Friday, March 7, 2014

A Message from Christine

Hi Everyone,

Well it is hard to believe that we have already completed the first months of 2014. It certainly is not dull and has been intense with these new energies that have been coming onto the planet since Dec 29th and I do know that there are more magnified energies coming!

Winter has been very extreme up here on the North Shore. We have had temperatures of  -25 F degrees with -55 F degrees wind chill factor, and a lot of snow and snow drifts. We are staying warm and safe, loving the magnificence of the beauty that surrounds us.

The incredible ever-changing surface of the water on Lake Superior reminds me to let go and to become part of the magic that is forever here. The reflection of the colors mirrored on the surface of the water brings me a deep joy and peace.

I am honored and grateful for all that has been given to me up here. I cannot imagine not being in this place that is so much like home to me. The Pleiadian ships have been around, supporting us in our building of the different layers of the communication portal, and there is such a deep satisfaction in doing my work and fulfilling a big part of my destiny.

There is much work to do within the Portal, getting ready for the 1st tele-seminar on May 20th. I do know that there are huge changes in store for me as I take my place and anchor what the Pleiadians call a ‘receiving station’ here on this land. I do know that I am willing to continue let go and allow a further birthing process to take place within me.

Gratitude and joy fills me as I too work through the 3rd dimensional aspects of being on this planet, allowing myself to align just to each moment in time, reminding myself to let go and not to get attached to anything!
I send love to you all during this unfolding time that each one of us in the middle of experiencing.

Love and blessings


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