Friday, October 4, 2013

October Message from Christine Day

Hi Everyone,

Well this time is not dull, I can say that! The process of beginning to lay the first energetic light waves of the Portal on our land has been set in motion. There is an expansion of light energy rays activated throughout the property, and these series of light rays are interconnecting with the Lemurian Portal that is directly opposite our house about one mile out into Lake Superior.

I feel excited and at the same time am dealing with this recalibration within my cells that is taking place as I am being aligned as a part of this sacred dynamic. It is indeed powerful and unsettling at the same time as we are readjusted into this new multi-dimensional setting within our bodies and aligning to this new flow on our land. There seems to be no specific boundaries between our physical bodies and the birthing energies of the Portal.

I do know that as we lay each level of the waves of the Portal we will go through many dimensional transformational states. This of course makes sense if we are going to be able to travel off planet and bring the channeled energies through to you all.

So it seems we are on track, time wise, to be able to bring the Galactic Series through a series of live tele-seminars to you by February. I am thinking that we will have dates set,
and you can begin to sign up for this series by late December.

I am continuing to let go and have been given some wonderful information on what we are to do here on our land. It certainly helps to be given a perspective and time line for these amazing projects that are our next step. I am filled with wonder and gratitude for all that is opening up for me at this time.

I have certainly turned a corner, understanding fully what is before me in this moment, and of course having no idea of what is coming. However I do not need to know, I trust and take my next step.

I send love and blessings to you all. See you at the October 27th video broadcast on our web site at 10AM-PDT. This is not to be missed!

Love and blessings,

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