1st Pleiadian Broadcast of 2015
Sunday March 15th, 10AM Pacific/1PM Eastern
Sunday March 15th, 10AM Pacific/1PM Eastern
The Pleiadians are bringing forth really strong energies into the first two broadcasts of this year. The first Broadcast airs Sunday, March 15th and the second Broadcast follows closely, airing on Sunday, April 12th. The Pleaidians tell us that on March 1st there was an energetic shift within the central rotation point in the earth. This shift has magnified the illumination waves coming onto the planet. The magnetic shift creates an expanding of our heart cells, which is designed to accelerate our awakening.
In the Transmission, the Pleaidian Communication Portal form is introduced and in integral part of the process designed to support you through an expansion within the heart and pineal gland.
Remember, the transmissions in these Broadcasts have an accumulative effect on you, building your ability to carry these new frequencies. You are being asked to “let go” on another level and to really trust that “all is in hand.” You can do this now!
The next Pleaidian Broadcast date, following March 15th, is Sunday, April 12th 2015 at 10AM Pacific!
To view the show go towww.christinedayonline.com and click on!
Send all comments and queries to our attention at:Christine@christinedayonline.com
You can access any broadcast in our Pleiadian Broadcast archives
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