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Christine Day |
This January has been an exciting time for me and the month has flown by. The 2nd Communication Portal, which was due to be opened and activated next May, was activated on January 14th This came along as a big surprise.
In the days leading up to the opening of our second Portal I became aware of a more expanded activity and connection to the Lemurian Portal out in Lake Superior. I could feel a change taking place with my electrical energetic settings.
We needed higher temperatures to be able to do the work necessary to activate the Portal, to be able to stay warm enough for the time that it would take to complete the first phase of opening of this 2nd Portal. We awoke on the day to found the temperatures in the 20’s. Feeling incredibly excited we went down to our beach to light a fire and do ceremony in readiness for laying the first dimensional layers of the Portal.
I must say that the day of opening up the first stage of activation was warm by comparison to all the other very cold days we had previously. We had been having temperatures between 0 and -35 degrees over the last weeks.
There were Lemurian beings on the rocks witnessing us and they were carrying a powerful frequency of light that they were transmitting to us. The beauty of the energy present was uplifting and sacred.
We worked in the portal for about 2 hours being fulfilled by this very sacred event. Alisa and I were amazed to feel so warm as we worked. Just as we completed what needed to be done, suddenly in one moment the energy changed and we both were freezing. We knew that our time in the Portal was over for now. Our magical moment was complete.

The Pleiadians shared that we as human beings have taken accelerated steps in our awakening due to the expanded effects from the Illumination energy. We are now able to hold the expanded multi-dimensional energy that the 2nd Portal opening will create on the earth plane.
There are still many more dimensional layers to be place and activated within this 2nd Communication Portal to bring it to completion. However there are some very important energetic forms already active through just the 1st layer anchored.
Remember, the first portal had 11 layers of energy placed for a full activation. It has not been revealed to me yet how many energetic layers will be required within this 2nd Portal for full activation so that it can be fully operational for another aspect of the receiving station. I do know that this 2nd Portal will be much more significant and powerful to the planet when complete. I can sense the incredible energetic support by the Galactic community as we move through this unfolding.

I also want to share that this has been my birthday month and I was given guidance to retrace my steps back to where I had my first awakening by the Pleiadians 21 years ago. I knew this would be a life-changing event. I was returning back to a very sacred place for me, a place that created a turning point in my life all those years ago. I was told that by returning to that energetic experience I would be repositioned on a new path within my connections to the Pleiadians. I would receive energies now that I was unable to process and receive at that time of my first experience so many years ago.
As I arrived I found myself shaking. I walked and merged into the deep essence of experience, re-entering that moment that was being held for me within this place, a holy place of remembering and reconnection to my heritage.
The meadow was vibrating light consciousness, the space filled with the Pleiadian ship. I remembered and moved merging with my Pleiadian family. I was embraced, celebrated for all that I had completed so far with them on this earth plane. Simultaneously I was presented with multi-dimensional elements of my Pleiadian power, knowledge and aligned to my full place within the Galactic community. I was shaken with the full force of my light and I consciously let go, opening up to received all that had been waiting for me.
I do know that I have gone through my next step of metamorphosis and I am just being with each moment to moment experience, opening up to my many multi-dimensional levels within. I am grateful and filled with awe at my journey.
Keep letting go.
Be committed to each unfolding moment before you, because in reality that is all there is.
Sending love and blessings,
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