Hi Everyone,
The 3Day Pleiadian Seminar is coming up next month! I do know that this event will be significant for many of you. Through the initiation of reconnection to aspects of your Mastery the wheel turns and you are moved to a next step of your destiny.
This Seminar is a destiny meeting for many of you and I look forward to a grand adventure with those of you who are called to be at there.
Love and Blessings to you all,
“This is going to be profound. The energy around this is really cutting edge.”
For the first time the Pleiadians will be presenting to us a series of initiations and sacred tools to awaken you to your Master energy. It is part of our destiny in this lifetime to reconnect to our Self Mastery, and we are ready now. The Pleiadians say, this is the time for you to access your Master energy which is really our individual, pure source of our higher self. These Sacred tools from the Pleiadians are going to open you naturally giving you re-access to this pure source of your energy.
In a three day process you will re-access your Mastery energy, learn to develop and unfold within your own pure source light and learn how to work with your sacred mastery tools to support you in your day to day living. You will come away with material and structured step-by-step processes so that you can have an ongoing unfolding of your own Self Mastery energy.
The Lemurians will be there to support us in an ongoing initiation of our Self Mastery through the heart space. Mother Mary’s energy will be there to allow this incredible unfolding of our central heart space. The Christ energy, the Angels, Light Beings and Masters will be there and of course, the Pleiadians.
We will be working with Portal keys and physical Galactic Portals that you will anchor into for your Self Mastery initiations. These are being made available for the very first time to us from the Pleiadians.
I know this is not to be missed! It is really an incredible opportunity to allow your self an amazing life changing experience. The Mastery energy is a sacred, dynamic life force that is you - Now is the time!
To book the Pleiadian seminar go to my website http://www.christinedayonline.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=130&osCsid=8mg1hjdqi0jgbhhjlp3k3d11d3 .
Saturday, October 11th 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday, October 12th 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday, October 13th 9 a.m. – noon
Saturday, October 11th 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday, October 12th 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday, October 13th 9 a.m. – noon
Sign up in the store now!
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