The first Course comprises a program, or series, of Light Initiations called Language of Light.
I am privileged to be working with the Pleiadians, and invite you to join me in this wonderful adventure of discovery of Self. I refer to it as an adventure because I believe that the single most important journey that we are to make in this lifetime is the re-discovery of our Selves; this journey of the re-alignment back to our natural spiritual natures.
I personally, look forward to working with all of you that feel called to open up, to take your next step forward, and to say yes to participating in this transformative Course.
For more information on the Language of Light Initiations Course, please click on the link in the left hand column. Price: $295.00.
In the meantime, I invite you to read the following personal message from the Pleiadians that explains more about the purpose of this Academy and the Courses they intend to teach here.
Message from the Pleiadians
Dear Ones, we greet you with love and appreciation for all that you are in this moment. This “Language of Light” work has been brought forth at this time to enable those of you who feel called to do so to take giant steps toward your own enlightenment process.We have crafted energies that will support you in being able to move back into a place of re-alignment to the Self, and remembrance of your place within the Universal Consciousness.
The time has come for many of you to reconnect to this aspect of your Self, so that you can navigate your place within the Collective. As you make your way back towards Self, you undergo a transformation that enables you to hold an “energetic platform”—an energetic mirror, as it were—for others to meet that aspect of themselves. In this manner, you enable many other humans to follow in your footsteps. This is part of your mission here, it is what you came here to do, and now is the time for this unfoldment.
We have many tools that will enable you to awaken to your Self. This Course is specifically designed to facilitate and accelerate this process. Our mission is simply to assist you when you call upon us, to adjust your energies, to aid you throughout your integration processes, and to support you in aligning back to your original design.
Our role is to provide you with the tools, and to open up specific energetic dimensional spaces that afford you the opportunity to move forward and awaken on different levels. We hold a loving space in which to birth yourself.
Our role is to provide you with the tools, and to open up specific energetic dimensional spaces that afford you the opportunity to move forward and awaken on different levels. We hold a loving space in which to birth yourself.
Know that the energetic grids we have set in this program contain an in-built support system that enables the spiritual realms— the Angels, Light Beings, Masters, and other light energies to come forth when called upon. The dimensional energies we set enable the spiritual realms to work with you in a unique way, supporting you in the most appropriate and beneficial manner, according to your individual needs as they arise.
We rejoice in your birthing and remembrance of yourself as spiritual beings, and we hold each one of you in your humanness as you take this next step; a journey that is designed not only to move you back into conscious remembrance, but also to provide you with a direct experience of your Spiritual essence. We honor you in your humanness and hold you with love as you embark on this important journey back towards Self.
The Pleiadians
The Pleiadians
To watch an introductory video about the Pleidian Enlightement Academy
To sign up for this unique new course, CLICK the button below
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