Christine encourages everyone to watch the final Pleiadian Broadcast of 2013 on December 29th at 10AM-PST
According to Christine this Broadcast is vital! The Pleiadians say very powerful energies are coming in the New Year, a very strong readjustment of the dimensional energy of the rotational point within the earth. This is taking place on New Year, which will create tremendous transformation and challenges.
You are really going to support yourself by aligning to what the Pleaidians call the ‘stability point’ in your heart center. This is ready to birth and will assist you in staying centered in your heart and enable you to flow with the dimensional shifts and earth changes that are coming.
On the October 27th Broadcast there is a process which opens and activates the ‘stability point’ in the heart center. It will support you to work with this material prior to the December 29th Broadcast.
The December 29th Broadcast will carry powerful transmissions for an expanded birthing of your ‘stability point’ within your heart center in readiness for a “big shift” coming to the planet in the New Year. There will also be a process for a birthing and expansion of the energetic field of the heart on the broadcast.
It will be really important to work with this and allow the realignments to assist you in navigating through the times that are coming. And they are strong. I have never felt them so strong as the energies that were presented to me in preparing for this broadcast.
As the Pleaidians say, this is part of the shift that is coming. There is nothing to fear, but you must stay aligned to your heart center and out of the 3rd dimensional drama that will accelerate in the year 2014. There is going to be a strong intensification of the 3rd dimensional drama from the New Year on.
The Pleiadians say, nothing is as you think it will be., nothing will be predictable. The only place to be is in your heart center and anchoring into those alignments. Being, moment to moment. To let go and trust, all is in hand.
We hope to see you at the video broadcast on our web site. This is not to be missed!
To view the show go to and click on Pleiadian Broadcasts.
Christine is the founder of Frequencies of Brilliance, a healing modality that was channeled through her twenty years ago, along with the original Amanae multi-dimensional bodywork. Her first book, Pleiadian Initiations of Light, which is based on Frequencies of Brilliance, now offers this work to a broad general audience.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Audio Exercises Included with Christine Day's Pleiadian Principles for Living
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Christine Day |
Christine Day's newest book, Pleiadian Principles for Living comes complete with easily accessible audio files. Christine describes how the exercises work:
"All audio exercises carry light initiations channeled
by the Pleiadians for your awakening process. They are multidimensional in
nature and are designed to bring you into a reawakened state, realigning you
back to aspects of your sacred nature. Understand, these files were created for you to listen to them over and over, each time receiving new levels of the material as you transform with each exercise.
There are sacred
sounds held within the audio files that you are asked to work with in step-by-step processes. The Universal
community recognizes each person through their unique sacred sound. The sacred sounds create a rejuvenation within the cells of the body and a rebirthing of your light is anchored through the cells creating a physical self-healing process within the body.
There are activations of the crystalline structure within the body through sacred sounds within
certain audio files, and process for working through the telepathic center of
the brain for telepathic communion."
You can get the book from Amazon and at
Barnes and Noble and other book stores. For the best price, visit the store on
the website
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Pleiadian Message from December 16th
Beloved Ones we greet you,
Now is an important time for you to be preparing for strong influences that will be working within the earth plane from the time of the New year into mid 2014. It is a great time and there are challenges before you. It is imperative that you expand your heart alignments in readiness for these coming times. Your heart connection will be key in enabling you to fully navigate through the transference energies that will be expanding and anchoring through the energetic grids that are already in place on your earth plane.
These energies will create upheaval on many levels, by anchoring your stability point within your heart center you will be able to maintain your connection to your heart. The stability point enables you to take a step towards an anchored space within the multi dimensional aspects of your heart, this keeps you centered within this changing environmental process.
You are not alone, we are here creating anchored grids of stability and each one of you have your own pre-agreement team to support you in this transitional process. Just let go and align consciously to this new stability point that anchors and births within your heart.
The Pleiadians
You can listen to the entire episode of Pleiadian Tools for Self Realization by following the link below:
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Connect with the Pleiadians in San Diego this January 18-19th
Pleiadian and Galactic Energies 2 Day Workshop: Jauary 18th – 19th, 2014 in San Diego, CA
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Christine Day |
Come and Join us on this Dynamic 2Day Adventure!
*Mother Mary brings her presence into the seminar space to support you in expanded birthing of your heart center.
*Birthing a stable multidimensional structure within you as you initiate into a series of sacred arcs, enabling you to travel within your stable structure.
*Expanding your telepathic center and birthing a rejuvenation of the cells
*Through a series of sacred processes you will open into waves of the “Living Principles” which bring the purest essence of love that holds clarity and truth.
Ways you can sign up for this powerful event:
Phone Caitlin Kelley at 858-344-2404
Friday, December 6, 2013
December Message from the Pleiadians
Beloved ones we great you,
There is so much to be done at this time on your earth plane.
There are so many dimensional aspects of Self for each one of you to birth within
at this time. Know that you are being held as you allow your self to take many steps
forward in a new direction on your path. When we speak of this new direction we
refer to the new dimensional alignments that are being revealed as the veils lift.
These alignments open to you the many sacred spaces in which you can anchor and
move back into reunion and become a part.
The light waves that have begun to open into your planet will
begin to intensify late November until the 16th December. This intensification will
bring to you further opportunities to move into a more rapid flow of light on a
new dimensional path. This path will birth you forth into sacred dimensional aspects
for you to anchor through your heart center. It brings you new ways to consciously
work within your heart to create through your conscious choice playing a greater
role in your evolution as well as supporting the evolution of your earth plane consciously.
Be aware that through this intensification of the light waves there will be a further magnification of the human drama. You have been give clear steps how to move out of the drama and just be. It does take a clear conscious choice action from you to maintain
your heart connection and to just trust. No matter what just let go and Trust. The more you are willing to allow this state to anchor through you the more quickly you will achieve a permanent stable state of ‘Being’ within you.
Those of you who are willing will go through a rapid imprinting
process that will propel you forward into awakened dimensional states in which you
will reclaim your natural birthright of reconnection of Self. You just need to allow
everything to fall away just in one moment in time. Remember you do not have to
do this perfectly. It only takes one moment out of separation choosing to align
to your heart and letting go. This experience in the moment creates a permanent
anchoring of this ‘state of oneness’ to align through the cells of your body.
Work on allowing as many moments as you can just letting go and
anchoring the energies through your heart center and Trust. Remember each separate
experience in the moment is accumulative.
Take one step at a time towards this state of connection within
your heart.
We hold you and call you forward at this time because you are
needed to hold anchors on your earth plane it is what you have pre agreed to do
at this pivotal time.
Love and Blessings
The Pleiadians
Friday, November 29, 2013
Each show comprises a discussion of daily living skills with channelled information and light energies being transmitted throughout the program.
There are two individual energetic transmissions during the show, both of which will assist in aligning to new aspects of your own Light Self. This will help you to anchor this energy into the cells of your body, thereby activating a self healing process.
Broadcasts can be viewed free on our Pleiadian Broadcasts age. Shows are posted on the dates listed in the Pleiadian Broadcast Schedule.
Previous shows from 2009 and 2010 are still available for purchase as digital downloads from our Online Store. A few of these shows are also available in DVD format and can be mailed to you on purchase.
SPECIAL NOTE: All 2011 & 2012 Pleiadian Broadcasts are now free to view. Previous years' broadcasts are still available for purchase as digital downloads from our Online Store.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Pleiadian Tools for Self Realization, Pleiadian Message from November 18th
Beloved ones we greet you,
You open into a new way of being as your planet
moves through a huge adjustment of energies over the next two months. There
will be a further transformational shift that will occur within your rotational
point of your planet. This will create a further changing elements within your
energetic field – creating challenges for those of you attached to the 3rd
dimensional experiences. There will be a heightened experience of light for those ready for reunion
connections with Self. Keep letting go and focus on your heart power – be your
heart – recommit to Self.
The Pleiadians
To listen to the episode of Pleiadian Tools for Self Realization in its entirety follow the link below:
Friday, November 15, 2013
Courses at the Pleiadian Enlightenment Academy
AS WE STAND AT THE THRESHOLD OF the biggest and most momentous Shift in the history of humankind, the Pleiadians have some very important information to share with us about this time, which they refer to as “The New Dawning.”
Their urgent message is that there is a mutual birthing taking place within the Earth and within us. Now is the time to step forward and consciously participate in our own remembering and reconnection with our natural spiritual nature.
The Pleiadians remind us that we too are a part of this “New Dawning.” This new energy is birthing within our cells, even as we ourselves are birthing into a new consciousness. They remind us that we are here to have a human experience, while the same time re-awaken to our spiritual nature. In order to move forward into this re-awakening, we must first turn back and honor ourselves for our humanness, to hold ourselves in love, compassion, and patience for all that we have lived in this lifetime, and to understand and embrace the fact that we are “perfectly imperfect” in our humanness, which is precisely as we were designed to be.
It is with great joy that I have been able to channel through a new body of sacred work from the Pleiadians, which is now being made available as the first Online Course we are presenting via our new Pleiadian Enlightenment Academy.
The “Language of Light Initiations” program is designed to take you through an accelerated awakening process, via a series of special Sacred Symbols, Sacred Sounds and Hand Mudras. The Sacred Symbols enable you to access dimensional states for self-healing and to receive light initiations; the Sacred Sounds birth forth within you new light energies of Self, and also act as a ”key to a door,” giving you deep access into the Sacred Aura within the Symbol; and the Hand Mudras assist you in birthing into a new level of fluidity within your cells. To find out more about the Pleiadian Academy of Enlightenment, and our first Pleiadian Light Inititations Course click here.
I do hope you will join us in this wonderful adventure of discovery of Self.
Many blessings,
Christine Day
Friday, November 8, 2013
An Important Message from Christine Day and the Pleiadians
The Pleaidians came to me this morning to talk to me, to
bring information about these days coming and to share this information with
These days following Oct 29th are simply about your reunion
with Self.
Each one of us, individually, is in our transition. The
waves of light has brought us back into a certain energetic flow, what the
Pleaidians call a “reunion flow.” It holds the frequency of light for
reconnection and reunion. Like a strong current in a river that is taking us
back to that reconnection, that reunion with Self. The energies of these huge
waves of light that started on the planet the 29th of October if you
look at those waves they come in and move us in that flow and take us deeply
and quickly to our point of repositioning of ourselves.
These waves of light opened up the energy and the frequency of Oneness; Oneness to return back to sacred union with Self. This is reunion. Each one of you has your reunion frequency that is held within your crystalline structure. We will be moving into deeper levels of this frequency as these waves release more levels of that reunion frequency to enable you to move and be repositioned in relationship to your sacred nature. And to anchor that energy and align that energy through the heart with your crystalline structure.
It’s your crystalline structure that houses that essence of
Self, that frequency of your light. It has the capacity to anchor and
strengthen through a series of heart activations that we have doing together
(Broadcast/AwakeningZone). We are activating the heart and crystalline
structure to a whole new dimensional levels to house this reunion energy. All
you need to do is let go, with a hearts desire to move towards Oneness with
Remember the vision that the Pleiadians have always givien us of letting go.
And I think this is very powerful. They give a picture of
hanging on to a branch of a tree, tight! And just below you is this river of
light that is flowing. All you have to do to let go is just open your fingers.
It is that simple. Just with softness you open the fingers.
You fall then into that river of light, your river of light
are carried and held within that river, bathed in that light and moved into
your natural pure unique flow to your reunion.
This is the action of the energy of letting go. If you have your thumbs and index fingers connecting the letting go energy is simply this, naturally gently the index finger and thumb just move and open. No energy, no intensity. Simply coming apart. The fingers open, the hands open and you are carried by your own flow.
This will be our one focus between now and the end of the
year. This is the focus of the spiritual realms, the Pleaidians, the Lemurians,
the Galactic energies to support us in reunion.
To simply breath and let go.
I hold that platform, that energy for each one of you. I
hold the mirror, the reflection of that essence, that energy to each one of you
between now and the end of the year.
Holding you in the love and the truth of that reflection.
I support you in letting go in each moment that you can. Not perfectly, not striving, not struggling, Being. Remember you are a human being, you will have moments of holding on and moments of letting go. Remember that every moment that you let go every cell in your body transforms and that is accumulative.
Keep remembering the letting go energy that when you choose
to let go, you let go of the branch of the tree just by opening the fingers and
the hands, and then you fall very gently to the river just below you that
carries you. You begin to be bathed in that river of light and carried and held
in that flow of your current.
There is no reason to hold on anymore. Cause when you truly
move into that flow there is nothing you have try to do or make happen. The flow moves you where you need to be moved, the doors open and you flow through. You are not going to struggle, or try and work things out. You are going to trust your sacred flow to move your and place you where you need to be moment by moment and you are going to accept and allow whatever is before you and breathe and keep letting go. Allowing it to unfold.
And you may find yourself in a very new space. Like I am in a very unfamiliar space but you know what? I don’t care. I am being. I am not trying to work it out, just being held and being in that as every cell in my body is transforming physically and energetically, my whole system is transforming.
It is enough already of holding on, we’ve done that for
lifetimes. Now we do it differently by letting go. And we have these incredible
waves of light that are designed specifically for those who are willing to let
go and move with their heart center and not struggle or try to fight against
those waves of light with the ego mind. Enough of the resistance and worrying
and trying to work it out, just allow the sacred aspect of your flow to move
you, to hold you.
So Be It!
Friday, November 1, 2013
The Pleiadian Enlightenment Academy is going strong. Come join in the amazing energy!
The first Course comprises a program, or series, of Light Initiations called Language of Light.
I am privileged to be working with the Pleiadians, and invite you to join me in this wonderful adventure of discovery of Self. I refer to it as an adventure because I believe that the single most important journey that we are to make in this lifetime is the re-discovery of our Selves; this journey of the re-alignment back to our natural spiritual natures.
I personally, look forward to working with all of you that feel called to open up, to take your next step forward, and to say yes to participating in this transformative Course.
For more information on the Language of Light Initiations Course, please click on the link in the left hand column. Price: $295.00.
In the meantime, I invite you to read the following personal message from the Pleiadians that explains more about the purpose of this Academy and the Courses they intend to teach here.
Message from the Pleiadians
Dear Ones, we greet you with love and appreciation for all that you are in this moment. This “Language of Light” work has been brought forth at this time to enable those of you who feel called to do so to take giant steps toward your own enlightenment process.We have crafted energies that will support you in being able to move back into a place of re-alignment to the Self, and remembrance of your place within the Universal Consciousness.
The time has come for many of you to reconnect to this aspect of your Self, so that you can navigate your place within the Collective. As you make your way back towards Self, you undergo a transformation that enables you to hold an “energetic platform”—an energetic mirror, as it were—for others to meet that aspect of themselves. In this manner, you enable many other humans to follow in your footsteps. This is part of your mission here, it is what you came here to do, and now is the time for this unfoldment.
We have many tools that will enable you to awaken to your Self. This Course is specifically designed to facilitate and accelerate this process. Our mission is simply to assist you when you call upon us, to adjust your energies, to aid you throughout your integration processes, and to support you in aligning back to your original design.
Our role is to provide you with the tools, and to open up specific energetic dimensional spaces that afford you the opportunity to move forward and awaken on different levels. We hold a loving space in which to birth yourself.
Our role is to provide you with the tools, and to open up specific energetic dimensional spaces that afford you the opportunity to move forward and awaken on different levels. We hold a loving space in which to birth yourself.
Know that the energetic grids we have set in this program contain an in-built support system that enables the spiritual realms— the Angels, Light Beings, Masters, and other light energies to come forth when called upon. The dimensional energies we set enable the spiritual realms to work with you in a unique way, supporting you in the most appropriate and beneficial manner, according to your individual needs as they arise.
We rejoice in your birthing and remembrance of yourself as spiritual beings, and we hold each one of you in your humanness as you take this next step; a journey that is designed not only to move you back into conscious remembrance, but also to provide you with a direct experience of your Spiritual essence. We honor you in your humanness and hold you with love as you embark on this important journey back towards Self.
The Pleiadians
The Pleiadians
To watch an introductory video about the Pleidian Enlightement Academy
To sign up for this unique new course, CLICK the button below
Friday, October 25, 2013
A Message from Christine Day and the Pleiadians
The Pleiadians were with me this morning and shared we have
this huge transformation, this turning point on the 29th of October
to being in five days time. The
Pleiadians are saying that there has been a veil lifting now today on the earth
plane since midnight preparing energetically the earth plane to receive these
incredible huge waves of light that will be starting on the 29th of
There is a special essence of light here today that will
support us tremendously. There are no accidents that we are here at this time
in the middle of this huge change that will support each one of us in our
awakening in whatever level that takes for each one of us.
Each one of you choosing to receive this message and to be
here at this time is really the divine economy that is held within the Universe
itself. Here we all are at this time with this sacred light birthing on the
planet today to prepare the energy of the earth to receive these waves that are
coming in five days time.
I want to honor that for us, receive that, each one of us
receiving that truth for ourselves to what is opening for us today.
It is part of destiny, the destiny call that each one of you has answered for yourselves, at this time, to be here now. I hold that space close for all of us
and honor us, my self and each one of us here who said ‘yes’ to being here at
this time.
Love and blessings,
Friday, October 18, 2013
A Loving Message from the Pleiadians
Beloved ones,
We greet you at this powerful and empowering time on your
earth plane. We bring news of dimensional shifts and transformational times
coming, beginning in the last few days of October. These are designed to open
you to a new energetic flow of light consciousness that is coming onto your
There are to be a series of powerful energetic shifts moving
through the anchored grids on your planet, these are going to create upheaval
and change. Be prepared to align consciously to your heart center, you need to
be committed to this action within your self, in order to stay balanced and to
have the capacity to flow during this transitional time.
Flow and breathe, flow and breathe. You will not be able to
understand much of what is going on during this time frame, you need to be
prepared to let go and trust on a new level.
Your stability will only be possible through your heart
center during this time. This is your central place of anchoring. An anchor
needs to be established through your heart in readiness for this time. It is
going to be necessary for you to birth a structure within your heart center to
maintain your stability at this time of upheaval. We will be working with you
in the October 27th broadcast to assist you with the creation of
this structure.
We hold you.
You need to reach out for the support that is waiting for you to call
them forward. It is the time now during this transition to utilize this support
that is available to you.
The Pleiadians
Friday, October 4, 2013
October Message from Christine Day
Hi Everyone,
Well this time is not dull, I can say that! The process of
beginning to lay the first energetic light waves of the Portal on our land has
been set in motion. There is an expansion of light energy rays activated
throughout the property, and these series of light rays are interconnecting
with the Lemurian Portal that is directly opposite our house about one mile out
into Lake Superior.
I feel excited and at the same time am dealing with this
recalibration within my cells that is taking place as I am being aligned as a
part of this sacred dynamic. It is indeed powerful and unsettling at the same
time as we are readjusted into this new multi-dimensional setting within our
bodies and aligning to this new flow on our land. There seems to be no specific
boundaries between our physical bodies and the birthing energies of the Portal.
I do know that as we lay each level of the waves of the
Portal we will go through many dimensional transformational states. This of
course makes sense if we are going to be able to travel off planet and bring
the channeled energies through to you all.
So it seems we are on track, time wise, to be able to bring the Galactic Series through a series of live tele-seminars to you by February. I am thinking that we will have dates set,
I am continuing to let go and have been given some wonderful
information on what we are to do here on our land. It certainly helps to be
given a perspective and time line for these amazing projects that are our next
step. I am filled with wonder and gratitude for all that is opening up for me
at this time.
I have certainly turned a corner, understanding fully what
is before me in this moment, and of course having no idea of what is coming.
However I do not need to know, I trust and take my next step.
I send love and blessings to you all. See you at the October
27th video broadcast on our web site at 10AM-PDT. This is not to be missed!
Love and blessings,
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Pleiadian Tools for Self Realization, Pleiadian Message from September 16th
Beloved ones we greet you,
We bring news of your next step! Veils are going to lift, and there will be a resurrectional light energy process opening up on your earth plane for all that are ready to move forward now.
We have worked on the energetic timing for this event to take place, and by the heavens we calculate it to be from October 1st – 16th. Know that each one of you has free will, it is through your own conscious choice that you take a step towards these powerful openings that are coming. It is for each one of you to open and align to this powerful light that merges onto your earth plane. Your hearts have undergone a transformation through the last energies that were with you. It is through your heart that you can align to these light frequencies, as the veils lift you can move into this resurrection light, it is designed to move you into a deeper reality of truth.
Claim your rightful place within the universal community
utilizing the force and clarity of the light that is yours, it moves through
your heart cells and then opens you into a dimensional union with the light.
Remember the light reveals the truth, it brings you into a natural alignment
with your sacred gifts. It is the time to step forward and for you to be revealed
to your self.
Bathe in your light, it offers you a new sense of freedom, a
new lightness of being. We hold you and witness you as you birth!
The Pleiadians
To listen to the episode of Pleiadian Tools for Self Realization in its entirety follow the link below:
Friday, September 20, 2013
Three-Day Pleiadian Seminar, “Galactic Codes for Your Awakening,” Oct 4th-6th, Minneapolis, MN
Hi Everyone,
The Pleiadians spent some important time with me last night,
informing me of the next expanded process that will be coming onto the earth
plane. There will be a series of veils begin to lift on the 1st October through
to the 16th October that will enable you to open a new aspect of your sacred
nature. This is a huge opportunity for deepening your access to a sacred aspect
of your self.
The Pleiadian Seminar is coming: both the
Minneapolis/Bloomington seminar and Recife, Brazil seminar take place within
this 2 week time frame when these series of veils will be lifted. The
Pleiadians described to me last night some of the powerful opportunities that
will be set in place during the seminar to assist each one of you within the
energies that will be opened.
They have asked me to write to you and let you know about
the energetic opportunities that will be set up during the seminar for you to
be able to align and fully utilize this opportunity for your next step.
Within the seminar space there will be created a series of
‘initiating rays’ that will allow you to activate a series of sacred light
connections opening at this time for you.
Alongside these ‘initiating rays’ will be twelve circles
each holding sacred designs which when activated, create a dynamic
repositioning of your DNA strands.
You will be given access to a rapid re-alignment to higher
aspects of your natural gifts through the repositioning of your DNA strands. It
will set in motion support for your natural realignment to opening into a
self-healing process within your physical body, recalibrating your energetic
system and opening a natural expansion into your telepathic communion center.
The repositioning process activates a rejuvenation process within the cells of
your physical body as you begin to birth a series of light frequencies within
The Pleiadians are putting out a call to all who are meant
to come to the seminar and take part in their own accelerated awakening process
through the ‘initiating rays’ and twelve circles of initiation. At the request of the Pleiadians I pass
this information onto you with my love.
For information contact Barbara Ramstad
Phone: 612-729-0229
Or go to to
register for the seminar.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
A Personal Message from Christine Day
Hi Everyone,
How good it is to be here on the planet right now with all of you. I am very much in a state of regeneration and there is a powerful force of energy moving within me as I take many new steps here on the earth plane.
The process that began on August 12th and finished September 1st has been very challenging to an aspect of my ego mind but it has been incredibly important to assist me in defining my sacred self in relationship to my ego.
I am grateful for the clarity and definition that I have received through my personal process. Realizing how important it is for me to engage an aspect of my ego mind as I step forward to take my place, as I step forward and let go on new levels allowing my ego mind to be fully included within the process, not just dragged along. I have discovered the importance of creating a working bridge between my ego and sacred nature.
The Pleiadians spent some important time with me last night, informing me of the next expanded process that will be coming onto the earth plane. There will be a series of veils that begin to lift on the 1st of October through to the 16th October that will enable you to open a new aspect of your sacred nature. This is a huge opportunity for deepening your access to a sacred aspect of your self. These veils lifting bring you in alignment to a deepening extension to your sacred self, allowing for an acceleration of your connection to the rest of the universal community and a connection to home.
I do know that this next step that is available to each one of us is going to be revolutionary in nature, as it is going to propel us forward to a designed energy of Self not previously encountered. Each one of us has the opportunity open up to us to move forward into a new dimensional vista, an expedition sacred in nature.
I am excited by the huge energetic wave that I see around this form of energy, which is coming; this powerful amazing light that will be ours to re-access.
I open to my full resurrection with love and trust and I hold a space for each one of you to have a glorious journey. So Be It!
With love and blessings,
A Loving Message from the Pleiadians
Beloved Ones we greet you,
We bring news of your next step! Veils are going to lift and there will be a resurrectional light energy process opening up on your earth plane for all that are ready to move forward now.
We have worked on the energetic timing for this event to take place and by the heavens we calculate it to be from October 1st – 16th. Know that each one of you have free will, it is through your own conscious choice that you take a step towards these powerful openings that are coming. It is for each one of you to open and align to this powerful light that merges onto your earth plane.
Your hearts have undergone a transformation through the last energies that were with you. It is through your heart that you can align to these light frequencies, as the veils lift you can move into this resurrection light, it is designed to move you into a deeper reality of truth.
Claim your rightful place within the universal community utilizing the force and clarity of the light that is yours, it moves through your heart cells and then opens you into a dimensional union with the light. Remember the light reveals the truth, it brings you into a natural alignment with your sacred gifts.
It is the time to step forward and for you to be revealed to your self.
Bathe in your light, it offers you a new sense of freedom, a new lightness of being. We hold you and witness you as you birth!
The Pleiadians
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