Christine Day |
I am joyful being up here in Grand Marais, putting in a
vegetable garden and just being in the wonderful energy of lake Superior. I
have been creating new levels of the communication portal. I have been directed
to open deeper layers within the communication portal. The Pleiadians and the
rest of the Galactic community have been connecting with me in the last two
weeks, giving me specific instructions to pass onto you regarding the latest
energetic shifts that have been taking place on our earth plane, and how this
impacts your readiness to move forward.
The Lemurain portal out in lake Superior in front of the
house where I am has opened on another dimensional level as I created these new
energetic layers within the Communication portal. The role of the Lemurians is
to support you in your energetic transformation of your crystalline structure
in your body, as you move through a powerful metamorphosis.
It is going to be important to slow down and breathe in your day to day lives giving yourself time to adjust to the new energies.
The transmission today is designed to support you in working
with the energies of awakening from the ‘lifting of the veils’ that will enable
you to work with aspects of you pure source of light connection to receive
clarity, understanding.
This is the time to move more and more within, as you do this you will open up to your internal guidance, this is where all things arise for you. All understanding, clarity you will find within yourself, this is the time when the veils lift, and the dream ends for a moment and you begin to glimpse the truth within you.
This is why it is so important to come back to anchoring through your heart center and to begin this internal reconnection with yourself. Accessing through your heart, this is your source.
In today’s transmission you open into the opportunity to begin
to birth our own connection to your pure source of light within the cave energy
through the expanding multi-dimensional letting go energy that opens as the
veils lift. You need to know that everything that exists in that moment is an
aspect of your own sacred self, so that you can let go and open to consciously
receiving and aligning to your source.
Through this setting you create a powerful turn
in the wheel of your destiny. We begin this next phase of this birthing light
OPENING TO THE MOMENT: multi-dimensional moment.
This multidimensional framework gives you access to an ability to reconnect to any one moment whether it is the past or future, as there is no such thing as time. It allows you to full stabilize within that dimensional moment and not only re-access the energetic experience but to align to a more expanded light frequency of that experience. Know that each moment is multi-dimensional. This means there is an unlimited amount of time and space within each moment, so within each moment there are unlimited levels of frequencies of light for you to receive. For example, you can revisit an energetic experience that you had, say a week ago, and move back into that moment. You do this by bringing your awareness to a specific feeling you had within the actual experience and just take a conscious breath. This moves you deeper into other dimensional levels of an energetic experience.
A channeled message from the
Beloved ones we greet you,
There is much to celebrate as you move into the “great
shift” time. It is the time to totally let go and allow a sacred flow to begin
to birth through you. The letting go allows this sacred flow to replace all the
rd dimensional density within the cells of your body. It will
change the mirror of you, so that you begin to reflect your sacred nature. Each
cell will become a sacred reflector of your pure light. Be still and let go,
allowing a natural metamorphosis to take place within you. Breathe. Let go and
the Pleiadians
Listen to the show in its entirety here: