Beloved Ones we greet you,
You are entering a new era on your earth plane, and this new
era began anchoring on your planet on Dec 29th. There are many
aspects of light bringing change/ and many possible transformations that you
can receive consciously.
Conscious choice is everything right now. A conscious choice
not to be caught up in the illusion of the 3rd dimensional drama. What appears to be one way is in reality something very different. The ego mind holds steady assessments that do not carry truth.
Find your heart connection flow, then allow this flow to
align you, bringing you into the flow of truth, flow of understanding, flow of
rightness. This flow will move you into a sacred positioning where you are
supposed to be. Know that nothing is clear right now, so let go and trust the
energies of your sacred flow to open you into an alignment that is right for
you at this time and know that all will be revealed in the right moment.
The Pleiadians
Listen to the full show on the Awakening Zone Network here: