Thursday, April 26, 2012

LIVE Pleiadian Transmission from Las Vegas

ON THE LAST SUNDAY OF EVERY SECOND month, Christine presents a free live one-and-a-half-hour awakening experience show that is broadcast over the Internet.  The show is filmed and broadcast live from a venue in Las Vegas.
Each show consists of a discussion of daily living skills with channelled information and light energies being transmitted throughout the program.
There are two individual energetic transmissions during the show. Both of these transmissions will assist in aligning you to opening up to new aspects of your own Light Self. This will help you to anchor this energy into the cells of your body, thereby activating a self healing process. There will also be an opportunity for the live audience to ask questions on the processes presented throughout the show.
The next LIVE Pleiadian Transmission will be broadcast from Las Vegas on Sunday, April 29th from 10:00-11:30AM-PDT. 
If you happen to be in Las Vegas when the show is being broadcast, you are welcome to join us as a member of our studio audience.  Or you can watch the show from your home anywhere in the world via your computer. To tune into this LIVE go to the homepage around 15 mins before the show ( and click the ON AIR button. Your Windows Media Player will automatically open and you may then enjoy the program.
Previous shows from 2009 and 2010 are still available for purchase as digital downloads from our Online Store.  A few of these shows are also available in DVD format and can be mailed to you on purchase.
SPECIAL NOTE:  As of 2011 all Pleiadian Broadcasts are now  free to view.  Previous years' broadcasts are still available for purchase as digital downloads from our Online Store.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pleiadian Tools for Self-Realization

Please join me every first and third Monday at 2:30PM-CDT for the latest episodes of my show, Pleiadian Tools for Self-Realization, a presentation of the Awakening Zone Network.

Christine Day
As we move deeper into the transition that is taking place on planet Earth, the Pleiadians tell us that the time has now come for us to start mastering the energetic tools that will enable us to consciously complete our awakening and self-healing process in preparation for 2012 and beyond.

The new frequencies of light and sound that are now hitting the planet are awakening us to remembrance of and reconnection with our true Selves.

In this twice-monthly show I am presenting a new body of information and transmissions of sacred tones and codes specifically designed to act as energetic keys to unlock the information residing within the matrix of our cellular structure.

One of the key messages of the Pleiadians is that we must accept our humanity and imperfections in order to facilitate the process of our own self-birthing into the Universal Consciousness. By integrating these human aspects of our Self with our Higher Nature we will more easily navigate our way through this transition.

Each new show, on the first and third Mondays of every month, at 2:30PM-Central time (12:30PM-Pacific, 8:30PM-GMT), will provide you with new information, transmissions and energetic tools to help you integrate the energies that are coming in. 

To listen to the show on the first and third Mondays of each month at 2:30PM-CDT follow the link below:

You can even listen to past episodes from that page or download them to listen to later.

If you haven't already done so, go to to obtain a user id and password so you can login to the chat room, participate in the conversations, and be able to ask questions during the show.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

3 day Pleiadian Shamanic Retreat, Joshua Tree, CA, June 2012

Just in case some of you have missed this announcement, I'm reposting it here.

3 day Pleiadian Shamanic Retreat held at Joshua Tree, CA - JUNE 2012:

1.  The Pleiadians are ready to release a series of sacred teachings within the Medicine Wheel to all of us who are ready to receive them. Up to this point in time these teachings were  only transmitted to native people throughout our earth plane.
2.     The natural forces are playing a major role in our awakening process by assisting us in integrating the new levels of light that are birthing within our cells. It is now possible to form a telepathic communion with these sacred elements. We will be initiating into these communications through ritual. This will build your relationship to the natural forces, which is a necessary step for your enlightenment process.
3.     As you come back into this re-alignment with the natural forces there is an innate flow that is birthed within you through this reconnection. This flow allows a recognition and a deepening connection with  another aspect of you, and so ending levels of separation within your Self. This re-union is another step towards home.

I invite you to come and share with me this first time journey being held at Joshua Tree.

I hold the space for each one of you who is called to be there. Please note there is no previous experience required to attend. For more details click the link below:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pleiadian Message - April 2nd

Beloved ones,

We greet you With love, understanding that as you step forward into your transformation today every cell in your body will align to a new truth. This transformation allows the illusion to drop away and the cells in your body, in your moment of choosing, can transform and re-align. It only takes one moment of choosing for true transformation to take place. To consciously choose to open, and trust, and receive is all that it takes for your change. The doors are wide open for you now. Choose and let go. Move into the energy of the opening in front of you. This alignment will bring you home to yourself. 

We witness you with love,

The Pleiadians

To listen to the entire broadcast click the link below: